Discover Parkway

Our Purpose

The ultimate goal of Parkway Christian Academy is to educate boys and girls from a biblical worldview while pursuing academic excellence for the glory of God. We aim to develop Christian boys and girls into mature disciples of Jesus; capable of and dedicated to accomplishing His will for their lives. We believe that includes an assurance of their personal salvation by faith, maintaining academic excellence, and learning to live a disciplined life of conviction and responsibility. We desire to work with parents in bringing their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Our Mission

Invite. Instruct. Inspire.

We invite students to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ as they receive instruction with a Biblical worldview and inspiration to become who God is calling them to be.

Our Vision

At Parkway Christian Academy, our vision is to be a leading institution that fosters a community of dedicated disciples and lifelong learners. We strive to create an educational environment that empowers students to achieve academic excellence while instilling in them a strong sense of conviction and responsibility. Our foundation rests firmly on the teachings of the Bible, and our focus is unwaveringly centered on Jesus Christ. As we nurture young minds, we envision producing compassionate and influential individuals who will positively impact the world with their faith, knowledge, and character.

Our Statement of Faith

  1. 1. We believe in the plenary, verbal inspiration of the Old and New Testament Scriptures in the original autographs and that these writings are inerrant and supreme and final in all matters of doctrine and life (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21; 1 Corinthians 2:13; Mark 12:26,36; Acts 1:16).
    2. We believe in one God (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 45: 5-7) eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 13:14). We believe in Jesus Christ’s deity and humanity, His conception by the Holy Spirit, His virgin birth, His bodily resurrection, and His personal, visible return with power and great glory (Isaiah 7:14; Luke 1:35; John 1:1-2:14; 2 Corinthians 5:19-21; Galatians 4:4-5; Philippians 2:5-8; Matthew 1:20).
    3. We believe that man is created by a direct act of God was a righteous, free, moral being: that he sinned and thereby incurred the penalty of physical and spiritual death not only for himself but also for the entire human race, with the result that we are all sinful by nature (Genesis 1:26-27; Romans 3:22-23; 5:12; 6:23; Ephesians 2:1-3; 4:17-19).
    4. We believe that Jesus Christ, by His substitutionary death on the cross, made salvation possible for all who will receive Him as their only Savior; that these, who are regenerated by the Holy Spirit, will never perish; and that no one can be saved except by Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9; John 14:6; 1 Peter 1:18-19; 2 Corinthians 7:10; Luke 13:3; Hebrews 9:28; John 1:12; 1 Corinthians 6:11; Romans 8:30).
    5. We believe that the universal, invisible church is composed of all believers (Ephesians 4:4); that the local, visible church is a congregation of baptized believers in a particular locality associated with worship, fellowship, service, and the observance of the ordinances (1 Corinthians 12:12-13; Hebrews 10:24-25; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 8:36; 1 Corinthians 11:23-28) that this local church is independent and the only authority over it is that of Christ and the Word of God.
    6. We believe that God has commanded that no intimate, sexual activity be engaged in, outside of a marriage between a man and a woman). We believe that any form of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, incest, adultery, and pornography are sinful perversions of God’s gift of sex. We believe that God disapproves of and forbids any attempt to alter one’s gender by surgery or appearance. We believe that the only legitimate marriage is the joining of one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Leviticus 18:1-30; Romans 1:26-27).

Our History

 Parkway Christian Academy, a ministry of Parkway Baptist Church! For over 40 years, God has used the academy to train thousands of boys and girls in the Lakeland area. Originally founded as Temple Christian School in 1974 under the leadership of Dr. Cham McMillen, the school later became Highlands Christian Academy under Pastor John Richardson and was officially renamed Parkway Christian Academy by Pastor Peter Grant in 2018. Today, we offer K4 under the VPK program through twelfth grade, providing students with strong academic training to prepare them for the future. As Proverbs 16:16 states, “How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!” (KJV). Our success is a testament to the faithfulness of our dedicated Christian faculty and staff. We are excited that God has led you to be part of this ministry and, in keeping with biblical principles, desire for our faculty and staff to exemplify Psalm 133:1, “Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” We also uphold the expectations of Ephesians 6:5-6, encouraging obedience and service “as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart,” while the administration holds itself accountable to Ephesians 6:9, recognizing that “your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him.”

Our Community

As a pre-kindergarten – 12th grade campus, our students are part of a community that builds intentional relationships and provides academic programming that is aligned across all grade levels.  Our students represent several churches in the Lakeland area and come from all of our surrounding communities.

Our Programs

Our rigorous academic programs have consistently produced high standardized test scores, contributing to a 100% graduation rate. We are accredited by the Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (FACCS), the National Council of Private School Accreditation (NCPSA), and Cognia. Additionally, a diverse range of extracurricular activities allows students to engage in band, choir, and drama.


Scott Jenkins

Head of School


B.S. in Biology, minor in Chemistry: University of North Carolina at Charlotte

M.S. in Microbiology and Immunology: Wright State University

Ph.D. in Cancer Biology: Wake Forest University

M.S. Educational Leadership, Bob Jones University

Amy Lewis

Lower School Principal


B.A. Elementary Education: Landmark Baptist College

M.S. Educational Leadership: Bob Jones University (In Progress)

Randy Padgett

Upper School Principal


B.S. General Studies, Mathematics: Bob Jones University

M.S. Educational Leadership: Bob Jones University (in progress)

Elementary Faculty

Jovita Evans



VPK Lead Teacher Certification

Florida Child Care Professional Credential

Sharon Page



B.A. Early Childhood and Elementary Education: Southeastern University

V.P.K. Lead Teacher Staff Credential 

ESOL Certification 

Vicki Boyette

VPK Para


VPK Teacher’s Aide Certification

Brittany Gamble

VPK Para


VPK Teacher Aide Certification, CDA (In Progress)

Florida Child Care Professional Credential

Caroline Nipper



B.S. Psychology, Minor in Religion and Human Services: Southeastern University

Maria O’Carroll



B.S. Communication Studies: Palm Beach Atlantic

M.S. General Counseling: Palm Beach Atlantic

Katy Sawyer

K5 Para


Karli Robinson

K5 Para


B.S. Visual Arts: Pensacola Christian College

Lorraine Brunkhorst

1st Grade


B.S. Elementary Education: University of South Florida

ESOL endorsement

Marquette Wolfe

1st Grade


Associates in Child Development: Belmont Technical College

B.S. in Professional Studies-Teaching (in-progress), Bob Jones University

Jessica McLaughlin

1st Grade Para


B.S.  Elementary Education: Pensacola Christian College

Jessica Kulp

2nd Grade 


B.A.  Elementary Education: Saint Leo University

Sheryl Hallman

2nd Grade


B.S. Elementary Education: University of South Florida

M.Ed. ESE: University of Florida (in progress)

M.Ed. Reading: Laval University (in progress)

Carrie Lacey

3rd Grade


B.S. Elementary Education: University of Central Florida

Reading Endorsement; ESOL Certified 

M.Ed Teaching and Learning: Bob Jones University (In Progress) 

Arielle Pagod

3rd Grade


A.A.A.  Childhood Ministry: Bob Jones University

B.S. Professional and Educational Studies: Bob Jones University

Elisa Killough

4th Grade – Math, Science, Bible


B.S.  Elementary Education: Bob Jones University

Jessica Kreeger

4th Grade – Math, Science, Bible


A.A. Liberal Arts and Science: Grand Rapids Community College

B.S. Elementary Education: Bob Jones University (in progress)

Lindsay Flood

4th Grade – ELA, SS


B.S. Elementary Education: Murray State University

M.A. Special Education, Mild Mental Disabilities: Murray State University

Amy Thompson

5th Grade – ELA, SS


B.S. Elementary Education: University of South Florida

Reading Endorsement

Carley Rush

5th Grade – Math, Science


B.S. Elementary Education: Florida State University

M.S. Mathematics Education: Florida State University

Tyler Ewing

Elementary P.E.


B.S. Sport Management: University of Indianapolis

Middle & High School Faculty

Joel Bonet

High School Math 


B.S. Interdisciplinary Studies: Keiser University

A.S. Information Technology: Keiser University

Brad Brown

Bible, Discipleship


Chasity Cedeno

High School History


B.A. Elementary Education: University of South Florida

Emily Clements



B.S. Visual Studies, Graphic Design Concentration: Bob Jones University

Christian Edmiston

Middle School Bible, Spanish


B.S. Religion – Biblical and Theological Studies: Liberty University

M.Div.: Liberty University

Shelbie Effler

Athletic Director, P.E.


B.S. Sports Management: Bob Jones University

Mark Evans

School Counselor


A.A. General Education: Cleveland Community College

B.C.E. Secondary Education: Veritas Baptist College

M.M. Bible and Theology: Veritas Baptist College

M.A. Biblical Counseling: Luther Rice College and Seminary (In Progress)

Ed.D. Community and Care Counseling with Traumatology Cognate: Liberty University (In Progress)

Julianna Gonzalez

Middle School Bible


B.A. in Performance Studies, Minor in Bible

Kim Harthun

High School Science


B.S. in Education, Biology, Minor in Administration: Concordia Teachers College

Brooke Keith

ESE Teacher


B.S. Special Education: Bob Jones University

Brandon Keith

Middle School History


B.S. Middle School Education: Bob Jones University

Katherine Svendsen

Band, Music


B.M.E. Music Education, French Minor: Bob Jones University

Shannon Lewis



Meredith Mitchell

Middle School ELA


B.S. Elementary Education: Trinity Baptist College

Dawn Robinson

Media Specialist


Associates in Child Development: Belmont Technical College

Bri Sutton

Middle School Science


A.A. Liberal Arts: Polk State College

B.S. Criminal Justice: Polk State College (In Progress)

Anora Totman

High School English


B.S. in Bible, Secondary English Ed: Clark Summit University

M.A. Professional Counseling: Liberty University (in progess)

French Certificate: Laval University

Clarissa Wells

Middle School Math


B.S. Elementary Education, Middle School Math Cognate: Liberty University

Josiah Winston

Middle School Bible, Elementary Music


B.S. Elementary Education, Middle School Math Cognate: Liberty University


Kailey Gregory

 Admissions Coordinator


Natalie Grant



Martin Krauss

School Resource Officer


B.S. Criminology: University of South Florida

Sandy Mize

Cafeteria Manager


Food Manager Certification

Austin Redman



B.A. Accounting: Pensacola Christian College

Jeff Shuler

Facilities Director

Heather Smith

Registrar, Executive Assistant


B.S. Elementary Education: Clearwater Christian College

Anja Strobel

Wellness Coordinator


Accreditation & Ethics

Parkway Christian Academy  is fully accredited through:


Parkway Christian Academy is a candidate for accreditation with:

In compliance with Senate Bill 1712, the Ethics in Education Act, sections 1002.421 and 1006.061, please be informed that:

  • All employees have a duty to report actual or suspected cases of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect. The law provides immunity from liability if you report. You have a duty to comply with all child protective investigations. The statewide toll-free abuse hotline number is 1-800-96ABUSE.
  • The process to report misconduct by instructional personnel or school administrators which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student is to immediately notify in writing or personal communication (in person or via telephone, 863-646-5031) one of the following contacts:
    • Reports of misconduct of employees should be made to: Dr. Scott Jenkins, Head of School
    • Reports of misconduct committed by administrators should be made to: Pastor Peter Grant, Chair of the PCA Advisory Board

Failure by employees to report cases of abuse or misconduct carry a penalty up to and including termination.

Have Questions about PCA?